Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry


Participants : Patrice Buche, Jérôme Fortin, Awa Diattara.

We have initiated a national collaboration with the technical center of Comptois' cheese (CTFC : Centre Technique des Fromages Comtois). The objective of this collaboration is to design and test a platform for expert knowledge management. This will allow us to validate the integration of our theoretical tools into a real-world application and strengthen GraphIK's involvement in agronomy applications. A master degree internship in collaboration with CTFC was done by Awa Diattara (University Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis, Sénégal) in 2012. Awa Diattara came back as engineer to complete her work for a six month period in 2013.

This collaboration should be strengthened in 2014 in a enlarged project involving different traditional food chains (CNAOL, Conseil National des Appelations d'Origine Laitière).